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Growth Resources 8_Increase Your Confidence And Self Esteem

Everything About How To Increase Your Confidence And Self Esteem.

Most successful individual must have learnt how to increase confidence and self-esteem at some point in life.

Once you increase your confidence and self-esteem, you instill the belief in yourself that you are enough, and that you can impact your environment and the world.

It is a feeling of personal worth and the ability to control the various faculties of one’s being.

Increasing your confidence and self-esteem is important for individual and organizational growth.

As an individual, it helps you to live life, and to act out who you are, and be successful. An organization consisting of confident individuals will be progressive and will experience growth.

Those with high self-esteem are better able to identify new business opportunities, create new products, think creatively, commercialize ideas and persevere under stress and pressure.

As a child, I had this timidity in expressing myself among unfamiliar people.

I loved dancing so much when alone but never got to try it out in public. I barely joined my peers to perform at functions whenever it is required, and never really explored my gifts/talents, because I felt it was imperfect.

I felt that trying to act out my imperfections will leave me being jested or mocked. And because I didn’t try, I never knew what I was capable of, never tried anything new, and was living in the shadow of other people’s thoughts.

This continued for a long time till I attained adulthood. Later on in life, I began to understand what it meant to be yourself. Gradually, I understood that there is nothing like a perfect life, as life is made up of various imperfect situations spurring us to be perfect.

I saw that never acting it out may continue for the rest of my life if not addressed. And then, started to work on my confidence and self-esteem. This has helped me to discover exciting things about myself and enabled me to record remarkable achievements in various areas of my life.

Growth Resources 8i_Increase Your Confidence And Self Esteem

You just have to increase your confidence and self-esteem.

Why do you hold back?

Why do you choose to be timid, instead of being confident?

If you are holding back for the wrong reasons, then you devalue yourself.

Living is all about expressing and being yourself. It is in expressing and acting it out that human beings create and cause things to be.

Everything in the world today is a result of people’s actions. Imagine a world where people think but do not act or do not bring ideas to life, that would be disastrous.

Never acting is never living…

You can read about 6 Easy Ways To Build A Millionaire Mindset.

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Never expressing yourself will rob you of so many things and may deprive you of who you may become.

It is in doing that you become better. In doing, you identify the rough edges, or others may point it out to you, and then, you work on it and become better.

Be confident, even though it doesn’t come out perfectly, you become perfect.

Take a bold step. Join a multiple figure earners community and improve your financial stability.

Your confidence and self-esteem are important to take you far in life, in helping you achieve your goals, in helping you live life itself. You regret what you never did than what you did and didn’t do well.

5 Great Ways To Increase Your Confidence and Self Esteem.

  1. Learn.

Learning sets you on a pedestal for greater achievements. In learning, you increase in knowledge and understanding. Knowledge increases your confidence and self-esteem.

You can learn through various ways: by listening, by reading, and by observing. In order to learn, read books, join a group of like-minded individuals, get a mentor, attend workshops and conferences, volunteer, ask questions, try it out, make mistakes, and be open-minded.

  1. Getting Things Done.

If you have to do something, then, do it. Do not allow any opportunity for self-doubt. Confidence is built on accomplishment.

Your little efforts should be seen as accomplishments. Make efforts, no matter how little. These add up into something big. By starting it out, you begin to overcome timidity, you start to achieve.

Progress is incremental, and big changes happen over time. If you achieve small and big goals, you’re going to feel much better about yourself.

  1. Practice Positive Affirmations.

Practicing positive affirmations will help increase your confidence and boost your self-esteem, helping you build a thriving relationship with others and allowing you to develop empowering ideas about who you are. Believing that you can and you will, will set you up on the path of greatness.

Being positive-minded will help you to be confident in achieving your goals, overcoming your weaknesses, and boosting the self-esteem needed to surmount challenges.

You are in charge of your life. Whatever you think about yourself becomes your reality. When you speak negatively into your life, it can have major consequences.
So, before giving that presentation, tell yourself you can do it, tell yourself you are capable and can win the contract, and believe it.

  1. Eliminating fear will increase your confidence and self esteem.

Fear is one major element that brings people down and makes them think less of themselves.

To be confident, you need to eliminate any form of fear. This fear is made up of “what ifs”. You begin to say things like “What if I don’t succeed? What if people laugh at me? What if he says no? What if they don’t award us the contract?

These questions will set you up for failure, as you begin to self-doubt, thereby losing the esteem needed to carry through with the winning act.

Fear will make you think about what other people will think, and these thoughts mess with your mind. Instead, you have to be resolute, be courageous, develop a growth mindset, and believe in yourself.

  1. Be Grateful

When you are grateful, you learn to cope with situations. It leaves your heart free of worry, increases your self-esteem, improves your health, and gives you clarity.

Be grateful for how far you have come. Reach out to a loved one and tell them you appreciate them. This will make them feel good and make you feel good also. Keep a gratitude journal.

Every day, write down a few things you’re grateful for. Remain grateful, as it opens doors to greater achievements.

Finally, in life, it is okay to be imperfect, it is okay to fail, but what makes you alive is for you to be able to live out your life exuding confidence in all that you do.

So, be confident, live your life, call that friend, improve your finances, take that class, start that job, pick up that book, make the move, go for it, take that bold step, and never look back. You have all it takes, and trust me, YOU WILL.


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