Our Goal: Empowering Women For Financial Growth.

Welcome To The Growing Woman's Hub.

Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of families, communities and countries.

When women are living safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach their full potential. contributing their skills to the workforce and can raise happier and healthier children.

They are also able to help fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large. — World Vision

An Illustration of Gain Growth Hub Empowering Women For Financial Growth

Empowering Women Is Smart Economics

The International Monetary Fund (IMF)…

Closing gender gaps benefits countries as a whole, not just women and girls.

That is the reason why we have created an exclusive women’s club (The Growing Woman’s Hub), with the aim of empowering women for financial growth, confidence and to collectively support one another.

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of the world’s university students are women
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till date, women live longer than men worldwide
+ 0 million
women now account for the world’s work force
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girls don’t attend school in developing countries
Women From The Growing Woman's Hub_Empowering Women For Financial Growth

About The Growing Woman's Hub.

At The Growing Woman’s Hub, we are empowering women for financial growth by raising financially stable women.

Our aim is to help promote women’s sense of self-worth, grow their ability to determine their own choices, improve women’s right to influence social change for themselves, their families and other women around them, and ultimately help women attain sustainable financial independence.

Join our community of over 3000 financially empowered women and start enjoying the exclusive benefits of our hub.

  1. Earn stable income
  2. Learn Financial Literacy
  3. Get Business Training
  4. Personal Development
  5. Meet Great Mentors
  6. Change Your Life For The Better

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My Name Is Onyinye

Empowering Women For Financial Growth Is My Objective

Mrs Onyinye Esimai_Convener of The Growing Woman's Hub_Coach At Gain Growth Hub

While growing up, I understood first hand the meaning of having a strong and financially stable woman as I watched my Mum struggle to cater for myself and siblings. This was the earliest motivation I got in life and it has pushed me towards the quest for success.

Over the past 5 years, I have been able to leverage a few opportunities that completely turned my life around for good and I am willing to take as much willing women down this amazing road of success.

The Growing Woman’s Hub, will be unveiling several projects that will psychological empower and enhance women’s consciousness, belief in self-efficacy, awareness and knowledge of problems and solutions and of how they can address problems that harm their quality of life.

We will also be partnering with community empowerment organizations that will focus on enhancing the community by creating a network of support to mobilize the community to address local women issues.

There will be other economic empowerment programs which will be aimed at empowering women for financial growth by teaching our women entrepreneurial skills, how to take ownership of their assets and how to have income and financial security.

As a woman looking to strengthen yourself on all fronts, I’ll advice you to come on board today as we unlock the secret of wealth creation.

Asides Empowering Women For Financial Growth

These are a few other ways we help people in general move from ordinary to successful.

Personal Growth

Relevant growth resource to make you improve the present situation of yourself and business.

Network Growth

Be part of a network of successful people. Joining our network will increase your net-worth.

Financial Growth

Start using the best business secrets, insights and tools to improve your financial portfolio.

Now, I have seen and learnt so much from successful people and I have come to realize that the more people you support, the more support structure you'll end up having.

Top Growth Resources

These resources reveals how simple principles inspire growth. It’s time to GROW.