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Learn How To Increase You Confidence and Self Esteem.
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Growth Resources 9ii_How to Stop Making Excuses

Want To Learn How To Stop Making Excuses? Start With These 8 Easy Steps.

If you are you looking to achieve exceptional results, you must practice how to stop making excuses everyday.

Excuses are roadblocks we create for ourselves which prevents us from doing what we ought to do. When you make excuses, you give false reasons why you cannot do something.

Hence, excuses only deter you from reaching your goals. Though some excuses might appear harmless, it takes you further away from reaching your full potential. What’s more, you’ll end up missing opportunities that you might never get back, as well as failing to build up talents and skills that could contribute to your growth and progress.

Why do we make excuses?

As humans, making excuses may come naturally to us when faced with challenges. We all have different reasons we make excuses, and this depends on personal situation and the challenge.

We often come up with these excuses to remain in our comfort, to not appear bad before others, to avoid responsibilities, for fear of the unknown, uncertainty, or as an alternative to saying “No”.

People who make excuses may feel happy at the moment because they’ve avoided a bit of pain or discomfort. However, they may be less fulfilled and can feel anxious or depressed.

Growth Resources 9i_How to Stop Making Excuses

The below 8 quick steps will teach you how to stop making excuses.

  1. Visualize Your Success

Have you been wondering how to stop making excuses? The first step is to Visualize your success. Visualize what it would look and feel like to achieve your goal and have success.

And see yourself living in that success. In creating a vision, make sure to have definite answers to questions like “What do I want?” or “What do I hope to achieve with this task?” Doing this can add some motivation to your agenda, as you will want to be able to feel those feelings of accomplishment.

Create a powerful vision you will be proud to follow, then you will never make an excuse again.

“Making excuses is an enemy of progress. You must learn how to stop making excuses to achieve your goals.”

You can read about 7 ways to develop a growth mindset.

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  1. Set Small, Attainable Goals

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Working toward actionable goals forces you to stop making excuses and start creating a compelling future. Creating a long-term goal may seem overwhelming that you don’t even know where to start, but breaking them down into smaller achievable goals will pave the way to your large goal’s success.

Anything you want to change in your life is determined by the practical steps you apply, bringing you closer day by day to your ultimate large goal. Do you want to buy that house?

Do you want your money to work for you? Start by setting small attainable goals of investing or saving daily, weekly or monthly as is required. Be committed to it, and see yourself meeting your goals.

  1. Eliminate Fear

Fear is an emotion that overrides intelligence. It is a huge hindrance to achieving your goals. Fear is one major reason people make excuses, hence, the need to eliminate fear and stop making excuses.

You can overcome fear by first, identifying your fear. Knowing what exactly fuels your fear will give you clarity, as this information will be useful in tackling that fear. After identifying your fears, then create ways or strategies to address the fear, and act on it.

Understand that you might fail, but still, take the bold step, and know that your fears are not meant to hinder you but overcoming them will make you stronger and better.

  1. Identify your weakness and work on them

To stop making excuses, you need to identify your weakness. It is a way of being honest with yourself, instead of covering them up with excuses, so that you can work on and turn them into strength.

By accepting your flaws, you’ll learn to embrace imperfection, and understand that it’s okay to not be perfect. After all, you’re a unique individual on your special journey.

  1. Focus on your strengths and build on them

This is one excellent way to stop making excuses. Your strengths are those things you do well, those things that give you an edge, they are your most relevant skills or competencies that enable you to create value.

You need to identify them in order to unlock progress. To stop making excuses, there is the need to seek out ways to improve on your strengths and consolidate them. This will help one in achieving goals.

  1. Increase Your Confidence & Self Esteem

An increased confidence and self-esteem is important for individual and organizational growth.

As an individual, it helps you to live life without making excuses, to act out who you are, and be successful. Once you hold back for the wrong reasons, you end up devaluing yourself and the opportunities that you come across along the way.

It is essential that you learn how to increase your self confidence and self esteem because it helps to break the doubting mentality barrier that hinders progress. You can learn how to increase your confidence and self-esteem right here.

  1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

You are a unique individual and different from the next person. Comparing yourself with others makes you see yourself less, makes you feel inferior, and lowers your self-esteem, making room for excuses.

To see a big gap between where you are today and where other people are, will leave you feeling negative and inhibit you from achieving your goals. It’s unhealthy to compare yourself to others and make excuses for “not being good enough” simply because you feel you don’t measure up to someone else’s achievements.

You should only compare yourself with yourself and focus on being your best self by making efforts to improve on yourself.

  1. Take responsibility for your mistakes

Taking responsibility for your mistakes refers to taking ownership of your actions and their consequences.

Being responsible requires acting on your ability to respond to things that happen, and not make excuses. It involves using your power to change and to offer the most practical responses to life’s everyday problems. When you learn to take responsibility for your mistakes, you’ll be able to focus on not repeating those mistakes, and more importantly, learn from them.

Also, you’ll feel more empowered to take charge of your life once you understand that you have control over certain things.

  1. Believe In Yourself

People who make excuses may likely have some limiting beliefs that hold them back and tend to doubt their abilities to rise to a challenge. These self-limiting beliefs are stories we tell ourselves about who we are.

Believing in yourself plays an important role in whether or not you can achieve the results you want in life. To stop making excuses, you need to have that deep conviction that you can achieve your goals as this will fuel your energy and motivate you to work towards success.


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